Midnight Castle Succubus DX

Midnight Castle Succubus DX

This game was recommended to me, by Jason. The developers of this game were clearly inspired by the Castlevania series and just for that reason alone, it’s an excellent game. Exploring the world is pretty fun, as it is filled with tons of secrets, equipment and artifacts. The world is filled with all sorts of foul creatures, and you’re there to rescue all the maidens that have been kidnapped.

Wait. Foul creatures? Maidens? Uhmmm… So, the game is released in a censored and an uncensored version. Playing the censored version really reminds me of the good old NES days. What about the uncensored version? Well… Instead of just rescuing the maidens from these foul monsters, you also get an extra reward. The reward is a short animation of what these foul creatures did to the poor maidens before you showed up, and you save that animation to your collection. That’s right, you’re basically collecting cards for your Panini collector trading card sticker book.

Castlevania and Metroidvania style games are some of my favorite, so I really enjoyed my time with this game. Without the NSFW stuff, it’s still an excellent game, but it’s clearly a gimmick to get more eyes on the game.


My overall rating: 8/10

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